Obsidian Broker is providing importers with customs guarantee instruments, policies guaranteeing to the Beneficiary (customs office) that the Insured (importer, customs commissioner) will comply with its obligations to pay debts arising from import operations corresponding to goods subject to customs clearance and under a certain special customs procedure (suspensive).
- Temporary storage
- Customs warehousing
- Active improvement
- Temporary admission
- Release for free circulation with final destination Li>
- Union transit Li> ul>
The customs security may be issued for a single customs operation or for two or more customs operations. By making the payment of the insurance indemnity to the BENEFICIARY, the INSURER acquires the regress right against the INSURED for the recovery of the indemnity paid to the Beneficiary.
This type of policy protects the insured against any unfounded claims or abusive performance of guarantees, given the beneficiary's obligation to demonstrate fault for claiming compensation.
- This avoids working capital blockage
- Specialised advice during the contract
- Issuance of the guarantee quickly and efficiently
- Reduces the risks for the insured, provided that the payment is conditional on proof of non-fulfilment of a contractual obligation