Information and Transparency

Because we want you to be our client, and the relationship we build with our clients and partners is transparent and honest, we consider it of interest to you to take note of the following information: Obsidian Broker de Asigurare Reasigurare SRL has its registered office in Primăverii Boulevard No. 1, Columna Building, 1st Floor, Sector 1, Postal Code 011972, Bucharest and operates at the office in Primăverii Boulevard No. 1, Columna Building, 1st Floor, Sector 1, Postal Code 011972, Bucharest, registered with ONRC Bucharest under no. 41293315, e-mail: Obsidian Broker de Asigurare Reasigurare SRL is a subsidiary of Obsidian AG, headquartered in Baar, Switzerland. Our company is authorised to operate as an insurance-reinsurance broker, starting with 30-12-2019 based on the Decision of the President of ASF dated 18.12.2019 and is registered in the Register of Insurance Brokers under no. RIP-792


This information can be verified at the headquarters of the brokerage company in Primăverii Boulevard No. 1, Columna Building, 1st Floor, Sector 1, Postal Code 011972, Bucharest, tel +40 21 7969 383, on the website of the brokerage company, as well as on the website of the Financial Supervisory Authority at .
Obsidian Broker Asigurări-Reasigurari SRL is empowered to advise clients on the insurance products they mediate, to collect insurance premiums related to insurance contracts concluded on behalf of insurers and to issue insurance documents on behalf of insurers.


Conflict of interest:

Our brokerage company is not in conflict of interest with the insurance companies, by which we understand that it does not hold any qualified participations in the insurance companies and that the insurance companies do not hold any qualified participation in the brokerage company.


Formalising the collaboration relationship between the brokerage company and clients / potential clients:

The collaboration relationship between the client and Obsidian Insurance-Reinsurance Broker is formalised based on the brokerage mandate it receives from the client.

The brokerage mandate is the contract between a client legal entity and the brokerage company, through which the client entrusts it with the representation of its interests in obtaining and negotiating the best offers in order to conclude insurance and / or reinsurance contracts, providing assistance before and during management of contracts, in particular in the event of a claim for compensation.

Based on the brokerage mandate, the brokerage company represents the client’s interests in the relationship with the insurers.
We are committed to providing you with complete, timely, accurate, objective and real information about the proposed insurance products, in order to enable you to make an informed purchase decision.


Information that the client / potential client provides to the brokerage firm

In order to be able to offer you the best solutions, your requirements and needs for insurance of goods, health or even life, will be evaluated based on the information you provide us by filling out the DNT form (Demand and Needs Test – form analysis of insurance requirements and needs). At your request, the Brokerage Company can advise you on insurance products marketed by insurance companies, by providing personalised recommendations that meet your insurance requirements and needs. Clients / Potential clients will explicitly indicate whether or not they want to benefit from advice from the brokerage firm. Partner insurance companies: Obsidian Broker de Asigurare Reasigurare SRL collaborates with the most important insurers in the market, so that it will be able to provide you with a wide range of solutions regarding the management and administration of risks that, if they occur, could affect your activity, financial situation and reputation. The insurers with which Obsidian Broker de Asigurare Reasigurare SRL has concluded intermediation contracts are the following: City Insurance, …


Brokerage company remuneration:

For the services it provides to its clients, Obsidian Broker de Asigurare Reasigurare SRL is remunerated by a brokerage commission collected from the insurance company with which the client chooses to conclude the insurance policy. The level of the respective commission does not influence the value of the insurance premium paid by the client, as it is included in the value of the insurance premium, this being the same, regardless of the channel through which the insurer sells the respective insurance product.
If the client has opted for consulting and the policy does not end through our brokerage company, we are entitled to request a consulting fee, the amount of which will be communicated to you after completing the DNT form, before providing the services.



We assure you that the data and information you provide to us will be used strictly for the purpose for which you did so, namely the analysis of your insurance needs, obtaining insurance offers from insurers, concluding insurance contracts and related activities (notification on the maturity of premium rates, payment processing, etc.). If you feel the need, you can ask us to conclude a confidentiality agreement. You can read more details about the brokerage company’s privacy policy link.

