Values and Beliefs


We believe in the expertise that truly adds value.
Expertise is what recommends us for being senior advisors and not insurance sellers. After many years in global companies, we gathered relevant exposure to a richness of business typologies and situations.

We've seen it all. But we don't know it all.
We are open to listening, discuss in-depth and diagnose accurately.
True expertise is proven when you know a lot and still preserve an open ear to new challenging cases.
Our expertise is not dogma, but a living entity.


We believe innovation in insurance is not a goal per se.
Innovation happens when you're driven by the will to stay relevant and see ahead of your times.
In insurance, innovation equals the power to predict the unpredictable.
Innovation is about new products, versatile approaches, ad-hoc demands, and flexible mindsets.
Insurance is a field that needs to see further and quicker.
Otherwise, it loses its essence.


Helping and guiding the insurance-related decisions of a business is a matter of utmost integrity. We put questions, make projections, diagnose and advise in full responsibility as if our own business is at stake.
We will always advise on the best client interest and never parallel to his needs.
We respect people, procedures, written and unwritten laws.
We act reliably, diligently and in full honesty.


In business “knowing” may have no value unless it has an impact. The value of know-how is exactly the value of its power to change reality for better.
Commitment is about being reminded all the time that clients and their interests are in the center of our professional universe: their needs, their questions, their doubts and complaints, and their legitimately different perspectives.

Acting as a consultant with commitment is about adding value with each intervention, being sharp and clean in recommendations, being proactive and thinking ahead. Solving their problems, not yours.

The difference between a broker and a true consultant resides not in knowledge, but in attitude. It’s that sort of “skin in the game” so that clients feel on safe hands and …on low risk.

It’s about care, basically.