Agricultural risk insurance

Farmers will find in Obsidian Broker a competent partner to secure their investments in the risks that may affect crops, animals, machinery or employees. Insurance of the risks of production has become a condition for sustainable development in agriculture.
Farmers protect their investments through policies that provide both animals and barns, stables or agricultural structures, together with other types of farm goods, from cereals, hay and machinery, to the perimeter household and ancillary properties.

Agricultural crop insurance

With the modernisation of technology, agriculture is experiencing new concepts, from precise agriculture, to digital agriculture or smart agriculture. Constantly adapting to changes, agricultural insurance is becoming essential tools for the development of this field strategic.

Life stock insurance

Intensive and specialised, current zootechnics is targeting increasing commercial production, while farmers remain concerned about protecting the invested capital and income, both of which are threatened from a range of risks, from epidemic outbreaks and natural disasters to accidents.

Insurance for raising poultry

Partner of large processors and small entrepreneurs alike, Obsidian Broker offers insurance solutions to protect investments against losses that may occur in a number of disastrous scenarios for poultry farms.

Insurance of irrigation installations and equipment

In an area of ​​activity so dependent on weather conditions, investments in irrigation and their protection are absolute imperatives for any farmer. Infrastructure investments of irrigation can be protected by special insurance policies.

Insurance of agricultural machinery and equipment

A defective machine can interrupt the entire production process, incurring additional costs difficult to manage for farmers. Insuring agricultural machinery and inventory is one of ways to protect investments in agriculture.