Insurance of construction works – assembly (EAR)

From the beginning of the works until their completion, the construction sites face a series of dangers that could lead to huge costs for an entrepreneur and everyone involved in the project. Therefore, it is important that each of our customers get the right coverage for the projects in which they are engaged, in order to ensure that they do not incur any unnecessary loss as a result of a unforeseen incident.

These insurances are designed to cover the risk of losses that could result from installation of machines, installations and structures, including possible physical damage to works, equipment and machinery. The policy also includes liability for bodily injury third parties or material damage caused in the course of such operations. The costs for delays in restart of operations are usually an optional coverage. The insurance covers both the general contractor, as well as subcontractors and, in some cases, equipment suppliers and manufacturers.

The policy is suitable for all types of projects, from the installation of power plants in buildings offices or residential complexes, to electrification projects, water and water treatment plants and telecommunications centres.

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